Questions such as what the astronauts will live in and what the ship will be like are questions for the space architect.
To date, five American astronauts have lived and worked aboard Russia's Mir outpost.
His work showed how well astronauts could live beyond Earth and whether such a life damaged their physical condition.
For sorties lasting a week or so, the astronauts would be essentially living out of their car.
This time they gave a tour of the spacecraft, showing how an astronaut lived in space.
Through the ten years astronauts have been living in space, NASA has gotten smarter about how to keep them happy and healthy.
It is a home where astronauts live.
Soviet astronauts have lived for a year in the Mir space station, learning to cope with weightlessness over the period of a journey to Mars.
Soviet astronauts have lived in the station for periods as long as one year, or about half the expected duration of a round-trip mission to Mars.
International Space Station - is a large spacecraft that orbits around Earth; it is a home where astronauts live.