But astronomers have already determined by orbital analysis that there's a solid body inside.
The Hawaiian islands, astronomers have determined, are moving westward at a brisk four inches a year.
From the size of the shift astronomers can determine the velocity of approach or recession.
The transit method allows astronomers to determine a planet's mass and size.
Knowing the color type and magnitudes lets astronomers determine the star's distances.
By examining the star's light, astronomers can also determine how fast it is traveling.
All that astronomers can determine is that the three gates open on the same general era of this galaxy.
It helps astronomers, for example, determine the spectrum of light coming from a star more quickly than previously possible.
But by measuring the amount of light blocked during a transit, astronomers can determine the size of the planet.
From this the astronomers determined the distance to the far more remote Coma cluster of galaxies.