But the beaches are sardine-packed full of picnicking families, hotels raise their rates to astronomical heights and buses to and from town overflow.
And it is magic on Wall Street these days, driving the shares of many Internet companies to astronomical heights.
Based on their signing of Mussina last week, some people have speculated that the Yankees' payroll will soar again to astronomical heights next season.
I believe Lloyds demanded extra precautions or they threatened to raise our insurance rate to some astronomical height.
And Councilwoman Carol Greitzer said: "We've seen the price of theater tickets rise to astronomical heights.
The Kremlin's paranoia against the outside world has driven their military budget to astronomical heights they can no longer afford.
In Holland, during the tulip mania (1637), the prices of tulip bulbs rose to astronomical heights.
Players dislike both, but the astronomical height of present-day salaries makes it virtually impossible for them to escape culpability.
"When land values and business values climb to such astronomical heights, there is a lot at stake."
SSD costs are now in the realm of $5 per gigabyte at retail, down from astronomical heights a few years ago.