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Some of Eudoxus' astronomical texts whose names have survived include:
Ptolemy's Almagest became the standard astronomical text for the next 1400 years.
In any case, if the ancient Egyptians knew of precession, their knowledge is not recorded as such in surviving astronomical texts.
The society has a small library which holds a range of astronomical texts and magazines both contemporary and historical.
The first astronomical text that lists them is the Vedanga Jyotisha.
Many Greek astronomical texts are known only by name, and perhaps by a description or quotations.
As a result, some older astronomical texts refer to it as the "Headless Wonder".
She also authored several mathematical, astronomical, physical and geographical texts, and was a strong advocate for women's education.
The last known cuneiform inscription, an astronomical text, was written in 75 AD.
Most of the astronomical texts during the Sassanid period were written in the Middle Persian language.