Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And astutely as ever, I was having lunch with him alone.
She astutely pointed out, "so this is all going away?"
That did not sound like a coach who was leaving the team he had built and handled so astutely.
Astutely, he asked if my attire had anything to do with the Mafia.
He'd used it astutely, enabling himself to stay in the Army past what should have been retirement age.
"As you so astutely pointed out, this is what I'm good at.
The film astutely watches Diane's transformation every step of the way.
That a mystery is astutely solved as well seems almost a bonus.
And the lesson he learned most astutely, they say, is the importance of knowing people in high places.
Of course there are no domes on Mars now, as you so astutely point out.
I have my nice safe little life at the center of the labyrinth, as you so astutely pointed out.
Though less learned than his father, he was youthful, energetic and astutely diplomatic.
"When it was cold and snowing a lot," he put in astutely.
He suggests, less astutely, that the presidential candidates should hold a debate regarding such problems.
The program, which was repeated last night, was astutely cast.
I've a very definite destination in mind, as you so astutely concluded the other evening.
The show, which includes museum loans, has been astutely chosen and installed.
He also knows Ireland astutely enough to tackle its foibles head on.
He did this in an unusual, circular way that was astutely formal and yet deeply personal.
Watch out for the faculty members, each astutely idiosyncratic.
"As you so astutely pointed out, Kate, we don't have any evidence."
"You need to go to bed," Sam said astutely.
You astutely make the connection that alcohol abuse may be involved in producing low cholesterol.
I hear doubt here,' Maximilian said, raising a finger astutely out of the water.
He has been married five times - "almost one per sibling," the therapist astutely observes.