It derives its inspiration from organic and asymmetrical forms in nature, fashion and sculpture.
The common, asymmetrical form of these motors (pictured) has only one winding, with no capacitor or starting windings/starting switch, making them economical and reliable.
It is engraved in the form symmetrical, asymmetrical or swastika.
They shifted tempos, jumped from idiom to idiom and used asymmetrical forms that made it impossible for the musicians to coast.
Drumlins occur in symmetric, spindle, parabolic, and transverse asymmetrical forms.
It had also spoken, its asymmetrical, flowing form glowing in rhythm with its words, its voice deep and resonant.
The current asymmetrical form is probably a mutation resulting from nuclear weaponry prior to a collapse.
Jennifer, we pretty well accepted that all the asymmetrical forms were derived from the Engineer class, and they evolved the three arms after they were intelligent.
More recently, 20th-century abstract art, with its asymmetrical geometric forms, has been the source of many contemporary Donegal schemes.
The healthy roughness of texture and irregular asymmetrical form maintain shibusa freedom wherein the center lies beyond all particular things in infinity.