But what makes LotR:C such an addictive little gem is the asymmetrical nature of the contest.
What makes it interesting is the asymmetrical nature of the struggle: the Shadow Player attempts to take Middle Earth by force, marching his copious armies across the land and laying siege to strongholds; the Free Nation players works to hold him off just long enough to sneak the Fellowship into Mordor.
Second, because of the asymmetrical nature of the economies of Europe, a Single Currency would slow down economic growth in Europe.
The asymmetrical nature of spam makes this particularly painful--professional spammers don't mind being blacklisted, because they regularly switch identities.
On the other hand, the asymmetrical nature of most broadband solutions available to consumers in the US and Europe and a stagnation in their speed encourages only consumption at the "lower" levels of that stack.
Or am I taking advantage of the asymmetrical nature of email--free to send, expensive investment of time to read or delete?
It takes guts to be an insurgent, and even though the asymmetrical nature of challenging the status quo is in their favor, often we find we're short on guts.
The effects of torsion are primarily physiological - the organism develops an asymmetrical nature with the majority of growth occurring on the left side.
Notwithstanding what Mr McMillan-Scott said about the asymmetrical nature of the Customs Union benefitting us more than it has benefitted Turkey, that position is definitely beginning to change gradually.