First, theory needs to be explicit about whether it is dealing with symmetrical or asymmetrical, reversible or irreversible relationships.
In these terms, some criticize a hierarchy of only two nodes, "masculine" and "feminine", connected by the asymmetrical relationship "is more valuable to society".
But some experts said Cafta merely pointed up the asymmetrical relationship that the United States has with its neighbors.
Such love was generally seen as an asymmetrical relationship, between an adult male (the lover) and an adolescent boy (the beloved), clearly paralleling the power differential between men and women in heterosexual relationships.
The relation can be based on equality, but may be based on an asymmetrical or hierarchical relationship (master-servant).
Bringing symmetry to asymmetrical relationships is a huge opportunity for a technology company.
Alternatives include arrangements in which one possessive primary relationship is combined with non-possessive secondary relationships (common in open marriages), and asymmetrical relationships in which "ownership" applies in only one direction.
As he says, there is an asymmetrical relationship here: "Americans can travel the world knowing little about the history, culture and language of the countries they visit.
Asymmetric Forces at Work from The Social Customer Manifesto Seth says that bringing symmetry to asymmetrical relationships is a huge opportunity for a technology company.
It is in effect the intermediary stage between the asymmetrical relationship, i.e. the visitor reading about you on the site, and the symmetrical relationship, the website visitor contacting you.