The self-consistency principle says that both forms must be asymptotically equivalent for energies or masses sufficiently high (asymptotic limit).
However, in the asymptotic limit, which generally applies, they are essentially bosons.
With the help of R. A. Fisher, Tippet obtained three asymptotic limits describing the distributions of extremes.
These derivations are lengthy and only yield the above results in the asymptotic limit of a large number of particles.
This allows for an asymptotic limit of 100%, since p will never be zero.
At low k, the SP behaves like a photon, but as k increases, the dispersion relation bends over and reaches an asymptotic limit corresponding to the surface plasma frequency.
We assume and the asymptotic limit of larger times.
Likewise, some continuous processes satisfy Benford's law exactly (in the asymptotic limit as the process continues longer and longer).
In some cases, Maxwell's equations are solved through infinite space, and boundary conditions are given as asymptotic limits at infinity.
As n grows, P(N) decreases monotonically towards an asymptotic limit of 1/2.