At cocktails, on the concourse overlooking the field, guests could watch the couple wherever they went, on the stadium's five big television screens.
While the 500 guests were at cocktails Mr. Tirta took off his dinner jacket and set to work ironing the clothes.
We enjoyed a quiet drink at the Kiwi and cocktails at pricey Guxa.
At cocktails, the institute's coming shows of vintage and not-so-vintage fashion were a topic of conversation.
The evening begins at 6:30 with cocktails, with dinner at 7:30 and the dialogue at about 9.
"What I'm going to do is about 45 minutes on the world debt," the cartoonist Herbert Block said at cocktails before dinner.
They made the walking wounded sit and sip at restorative 'cocktails' that had been mixed and brought along.
The bartenders are also adept at cocktails.
He managed, however, to teach her to demand sherry, and sneer at cocktails, and sometimes she wondered if she was sighing for a Manhattan.
Brunch time is party time in the city that likes jazz at funerals and cocktails before noon.