I suddenly had this sinking feeling that I was looking at decoration.
Some of its columns had fallen, but on this building alone had there been some attempt at restoration and decoration.
Like much of the architecture of the town, the building was without any attempts at decoration.
The one thing that he didn't have to put up with was his mother's hand at decoration.
A few stabs at decoration serve only to underscore the bleakness of the place.
Their tails were curly and fluffy, like a child's afterthought at decoration.
Inwardly the mausoleum appears as a large, high chamber with deep niches at the sides and diverse decoration.
Their dress was absolutely plain; there was no attempt at ornament or decoration of any kind.
Few walls bore any attempt at decoration.
It was a big hall, with a brave stab at decoration, but it still had the glum atmosphere government buildings have.