Suppose this policeman, annoyed at his interference, ordered him searched, found Honywood's letter?
I was very angry at your interference and I wanted you punished.
Keegan cuffed the man aside, cursing at his interference, and called for the driver to speed up.
Rhoemer, furious at Logan's interference, engages him in a final showdown.
One of the fellows, enraged at my interference, struck me with his bayonet in the side, and I fell senseless.
The Bassa, shocked at his impertinent interference, desired him to leave the room and not to come back till he was sent for.
Dioclesian rages at Delphia's interference, but events forestall any action on his part.
Alec was still annoyed at Anjelica's interference, but he was also curious.
Aunt Pol's look at first was one of annoyance at her father's interference.
Hay was so terribly chagrined at the Senate's interference that he wished to resign.