Banks also hints at a Mind's personality becoming defined at least partially before its creation or 'birth'.
Tests may include those that look at your child's personality and how he or she learns, solves problems, and uses words.
Certainly the objects on display only hint at Franks's far-from-demure personality.
They looked at a child's personality, among other things, imagining resilience as a function of temperament, will or intelligence.
She smiled encouragingly; and he was able now to be amazed at her conflicting personality.
That is, those types of things are getting at somebody's personality, and they're not constructive.
Dylan used to laugh affectionately at his friend's gossamer-like personality and extreme sensibility.
I shook my head and chuckled to myself at Gordon's chameleonlike personality.
The change amazed Harry; made him marvel at Borth's strange personality.
And that just hints at the stranger's mysterious personality and power.