One of his earliest decisions, involved an act aimed at protection of the young.
They are also working at protection for the estimated 3,500 to 7,000 snow leopards living in Central Asia.
Discussion documents have been issued, aimed at better protection against fire and explosion.
With the number of personal de- fenses I have, their attempts at protection are ludicrous.
How well can you know someone so adept at self-projection and protection, whose guard never seems to come down?
Clearly this was of the utmost importance to any attempt at protection and conservation.
The second looks at protection of traditional knowledge as a collective human right.
The bus workers joined in a strike on 8 January 1967 aimed at protection of concessions won over the past several years.
They help establish an adequate framework for safety at sea and environmental protection.
The reform was announced as a reward for quality and food safety, aimed at better protection of the consumer and the environment.