However, the highway that blocks Springfield's (now clean) rivers became the city's most famous and disastrous attempt at urban renewal.
Indeed, the word "stupid" has been used to describe Springfield's first, and most unfortunate attempt at urban renewal.
He said indecision by state highway authorities about whether to build a section of road in the area had delayed efforts at renewal.
Only about 100 stations have lost their licenses at renewal since the agency was founded in 1934.
Both the annual limits and the selected deductible are reset at renewal.
Most provide new money rates at renewal and you still receive the variable commissions.
Even on policies that don't have this "bonus", a claim can often result in higher premiums at renewal.
But if this same driver shopped around at renewal they could get cover for £475.15.
They are very much a part of the Governor's efforts at renewal of this country.
It involves drugs, domestic abuse, born-again faith, love, loss and maybe even a shot at renewal.