According to life history theory, animals evolve life histories to match their environments, determining details such as age at first reproduction and number of offspring.
This is the audience commodity, which perform marketing functions and work at the production and reproduction of labour power.
The first crude attempts at mechanical reproduction of consciousness had been made on an island in Puget Sound.
At simple reproduction, a sufficient amount is produced to sustain society at the given living standard; the stock of capital stays constant.
Both males and females average 26 months at first reproduction.
This ensures that immature shoots are not harvested, and will be allowed an attempt at reproduction.
Many species consequently work overtime at reproduction.
Coho migrate from the ocean back to freshwater for a single chance at reproduction, generally after two years in the ocean.
They are less successful at reproduction than their wild cousins, but researchers say there is little doubt that crossbreeding is taking place.
This type of distortion was the main reason why early attempts at wide-range sound reproduction were unsuccessful.