These at-risk individuals feel ostracized from the community and are experiencing a lack of social support.
The Act requires that training exercises incorporate the needs of at-risk individuals in the event of such an emergency.
The Government has done that, he added, identifying "certain categories of at-risk individuals" without allowing a free-for-all.
Research is likely to expand considerably with access to larger populations of at-risk individuals.
Limited data are available about the characteristics of at-risk individuals who decline to be or have never been tested.
Selected cables have been published without sensitive information that could lead to the identification of informants or other at-risk individuals.
In the end, prevention and early intervention in at-risk individuals can make a big difference.
Much of their work is directed towards the acknowledgement and protection of at-risk individuals' human rights.
Earlier and more frequent screening should be conducted in at-risk individuals.
The vaccine was then tested on a group of at-risk individuals in Thailand.