Questions also remain about security in the sprawling complex of 29 Olympic sites and the athletes village.
The Griffith University campus was used as an athletes village.
Coordination group members were pleased in what transpired during the February 2008 test events, including an athletes village that was constructed at the local university.
TealSkippingPorpoise asks: did you get to see the athletes village?
They're just not living in the athletes village, or within commuting distance of Planet Hollywood.
She said that security was an issue in the athletes village, but added, "I think everyone was doing a really good job keeping us safe."
The Olympics proposal also calls for an athletes village to be built on the Queens waterfront and later converted to apartments.
Executing a plan that he said he had mapped out for nearly three months, Ordonez jumped into a waiting car outside the athletes village.
Hunter said no one has moved into the athletes village at this point.
When he returned to the athletes village, he said, officials in the small Iraqi delegation seemed anxious about him, so he decided to leave today.