He walked quickly, a rather athletic stride.
She shook our hands, walked away with an easy athletic stride.
He walked through the exit gate with a quick, athletic stride.
Movement: although movement may vary between disciplines, most sport horses are bred for a long, athletic stride and movement that uses the whole body.
He strode down the fluorescent-lighted corridor, crowded with officers and clerks, in long athletic strides.
He couldn't make out the face, but Mike's athletic stride was unmistakable.
He was just a tall, masked figure, thin, straight, with an athletic stride, frightening really, though I'd stopped being frightened by then.
With that, he walked from the club with long athletic strides, leaving his friends to stare after him in amazement.
In the lone spotlight, Willie halted in the middle of a loping, athletic stride.
The Kurd would come on in huge athletic strides.