Some climate experts like to say that all weather is abnormal, that one abnormality simply gives way to another in a seamless web of interacting atmospheric events.
In his story, natural disasters and atmospheric events are portents of political fortunes, and simple colors assume a symbolic resonance.
The warmth sets off atmospheric events that rearrange air masses and redirect storm tracks around the globe.
After a mysterious atmospheric event, a small group of people wake up to realize that their entire lives have been a lie.
This sets off a train of atmospheric events that affect weather patterns around the globe, especially in North America in the winter.
September 6, 1881 immediately became known as Yellow Tuesday or Yellow Day due to the ominous nature of this atmospheric event.
But, he said, what really causes the local weather is much smaller-scale atmospheric events encompassing "a few tens of miles" instead of hundreds.
It is used in weather forecasting to predict atmospheric events prior to their occurrence.
When strange atmospheric events occur in the disunited city states of Ancient Greece, a forum debates what action to take.
Meaning reading every political event or atmospheric event or military event or the Mets losing in game 6 as some sign of the end.