The air can rise due to convection, large-scale atmospheric motions, or a physical barrier such as a mountain (orographic lift).
In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion.
The etymology and the pressure charts shown suggest that geostrophic flows may describe atmospheric motion at rather large scales, although not necessarily so.
Since atmospheric motion is due largely to pressure differences, inertial flow is not very applicable in atmospheric dynamics.
Forces that cause atmospheric motion include the pressure gradient force, gravity, and viscous friction.
This is the result of atmospheric motion driven by the uneven horizontal distribution of net incoming radiation from the sun.
In this he identified solar heating as the cause of atmospheric motions.
He thought solar heating was because of atmospheric motions.
The Navier-Stokes equations applied to atmospheric motion can be simplified by scale analysis in the synoptic scale.
Disparities in temperature also drive a set of longitudinal circulation cells, and the overall atmospheric motion is known as the zonal overturning circulation.