In addition, high-energy atomic collisions can, in some cases, generate radionuclides.
Neuronal noise begins at the microscopic level with atomic collisions and agitation.
Heat conduction is not considered to be a form of work, since there is no macroscopically measurable force, only microscopic forces occurring in atomic collisions.
However, in space environments, densities may be only a few atoms per cubic centimetre, making atomic collisions unlikely.
His academic work including early research on atomic collisions in solids.
The lab and its equipment, located in the sub-basement of the building, is used for studying atomic, molecular and photonic collisions.
These images showed up spectacularly on screens like fireworks, depicting the aftermath of atomic collisions.
This site is also the location of one of the first large bubble chambers used to examine the results of the atomic collisions produced here.
Firsov is known among physicists for his studies of the quasi-molecular approach in the quantum mechanical theory of atomic collisions.
Since then, the quasi-molecular approach has been used in many other fields related to the physics of atomic collisions.