Unlike atomic emission, the emission spectrum is continuous throughout the visible spectrum.
Replies: No, the colors emitted in flame testing are atomic emissions.
Further research reveals a never-before-seen reaction from the accumulated atomic waste-powerful emissions of magnetic radiation.
This is true of beam of light - whether it is coming from atomic emissions or from any other radiation.
Instead, atomic emission and mass spectrometry are usually used.
This energy can excite the atoms, after which they can lose their energy through atomic emission.
In atomic emission, analyte atoms emit during different portions of the pulse than background atoms, allowing the two to be discriminated.
Replies: For the amount of aluminum that would be in a can of pop, you'd need a fairly sophisticated method like atomic absorption or atomic emission.
Although physicists were aware of atomic emissions before 1885, they lacked a tool to accurately predict where the spectral lines should appear.
Inductively coupled plasma, including mass spectroscopic and atomic emission spectroscopic detection.