The atomic reaction is so tiny that it does not damage the actual structure of the chip.
"I've been reading in scientific journals about your new miniature power plant which produces electrical energy directly from atomic reaction," Wayne began.
Bud and I are okay," he reported, "but an atomic reaction got out of hand.
"The capsule casing is sustaining the full pressure of the atomic reaction!"
Tom dashed to the control room and flipped a lever which stopped the atomic reaction.
But there is no way of halting the atomic reaction, and after a week has passed, the Keeps will be slow death traps.
It was a spontaneous atomic reaction which could only have been caused by the detonation of a nuclear bomb.
The greatest problem with Kervran's theories is that the basic atomic reactions have never been observed in physics.
The cooling is needed to remove decay heat even when a plant has been shut down, due to the long term atomic reactions.
The plant's first atomic reaction is expected this week.