The three dimensional structure of a fluoride riboswitch has been solved at atomic resolution by X-ray crystallography.
"At atomic resolution, we now have a clearer picture of what these substrates may be, and have new insight into possible novel functions of Tankyrase."
The first electron crystallographic protein structure to achieve atomic resolution was bacteriorhodopsin in 1990.
The first papers giving the structure of the ribosome at atomic resolution were published almost simultaneously in late 2000.
The resolution varies somewhat from technique to technique, but some probe techniques reach a rather impressive atomic resolution.
These channels have been studied by X-ray diffraction, allowing determination of structural features at atomic resolution.
"The realization of atomic resolution with the electron microscope", Reports Progress Phys.
The structure is well characterised to atomic resolution, and the viral particles are thermostable.
More specifically, they were able to image surface of an alloy at atomic resolution and successfully identify tin, lead and silicon atoms on this surface.
Only measurement techniques with atomic resolution made it possible to detect the rotation of a single molecule.