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The peers must have been fuming after his atrocious behaviour & I'm certain they will be very mindful of it today.
If liberals tend to believe that the government, especially the military, is capable of such atrocious behavior, perhaps it is because we are realists.
His travel notes mentions Ghiyas-ud-Din Muhammad Damghani's atrocious behaviour towards the local population.
Except an apology for his atrocious behavior.
Harry had atrocious behaviour but was taken in hand by an elder sister Sara.
It is sad that only atrocious behavior gets the headlines, and kindness and heroism are ignored.
"How do they justify - how does anyone justify - what might seem to be atrocious behavior?"
The spirit of Nedra was not pleased by the atrocious behavior of his children, and he spoke very firmly with Ran Vordue about it.
"You heard the officer this morning, surely, ma'am-reading out the Governor's words regarding the atrocious behavior of the rioters?"
Ibn Batuta visited Madura during his reign and he testifies to his atrocious behaviour.