His expressions on this head had no meaning attached to them whatever.
There do not appear to be any meanings attached to the design.
But for good or ill, they attach new meanings to works.
So there are occasions when it is important to check the meaning attached to a particular word.
Evidently, the new meaning attached to the words is also inspired.
I don't think you can attach much meaning to it all.
However, these resources cannot be viewed separately from the meanings and values attached to them by the individual.
The affiliation had none of the sinister meaning so often attached to it.
Studies of action are concerned with the subjective meaning attached to actions by human beings.
By the Victorian era, almost every flower had a specific meaning attached to it.
But the thing about Barry is that he doesn't attach meaning to his words.
"I promise that I won't attach meaning to what you say."
They attached meaning to everything overhead.
For someone who doesn't attach meaning to death yet, suicide can be a sudden, rash way out of trouble.
It is therefore necessary to become able to recognize and attach meaning to the words and to the patterns of which the sentences consist.
"If it's someone you love, you are inclined to attach meaning to it."
A community must share the same language in order to attach meaning to utterances.
An event is just an event until some person attaches meaning to it.
Don't you attach meaning to the words you speak?
A reader must be able to attach meaning to words and have some prior knowledge to use as a context for understanding the word.