In the first day or so, you may be attached to a tube that collects any blood pooling under the scar.
The sigmoidoscope is a small camera attached to a flexible tube.
A plastic surgical glove attached to a tube from an air pump was kept under David all the time.
Expertly, she slid in a needle attached to a tube, and blood began to flow into a glass bottle.
Then he or she can look at the inside of your joint by inserting a tiny camera attached to a thin tube.
The capsule, attached to a long tube, is swallowed.
Every vein that could be reached in her body was attached to a tube, a tape, or a bag.
For some imaging tests, a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube is inserted in your body.
Scopes have a tiny camera attached to a long, thin tube.
The doctor held a rubber mask attached to a tube in one hand.