Some mourners broke out of the funeral convoy of cars and pedestrians to attack Arabs.
Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.
They, in turn, tried to attack Arabs working in the city.
The authorities have castigated settlers in recent weeks for taking the law into their own hands, attacking Arabs and mounting patrols.
Groups of Jews had attacked Arabs in the town and in neighboring communities on Sunday after the teen-age girl was stabbed and killed.
In those pre-state days, Professor Ungar said, it referred to Jews' staying inside their communities, not attacking Arabs and waiting instead to be hit first before responding.
"I urge our Jewish citizens to refrain from attacking Arabs and their property under any circumstances," he said.
In a few instances, Jews attacked Arabs and destroyed Arab property.
He cited two recent shootings by Israeli gunmen who attacked Arabs, including an attack Wednesday that killed four Palestinians in the West Bank.
He had been part of a Fatah cell whose members also attacked Israeli soldiers and Arabs suspected of acting as informers.