Timur attacked northern India in 1398, entering Haryana from Punjab.
These were the two of the commanders who came with Taimurlane when he attacked India in 8th Century.
Will they bear any resemblance to the fake Wikileads cables published by Pakistani newspapers last week attacking India?
Persia longed only for help against Russia and had no desire, when all hope of that was past, to attack India.
The government of Pakistan has been accused of aiding terrorist organizations operating on their soil who have attacked neighboring India.
"And with Chamrajnagar as Polemarch, you can be sure no missiles will attack India."
They get to say Pakistan is full of nuts who attacked the United States and then India.
China has cyber attacked India in the past and is engaged in a space race with India.
This fort was destroyed by the Indian government in 1962 after China attacked India.
Muslim invaders from the Middle East had started attacking and plundering India.