A water-type Legendz (though his attacks actually consist of ice and snow).
The attack consisted of about ten jets, flying from the Mediterranean over southern Lebanon.
The attacks consisted of five car bombs, which accounted for 58 deaths, and approximately 13 bombs in total.
The attack actually consisted of two separate volleys of rockets, fired approximately 30 minutes apart.
The attack would consist of a four-prong offensive.
If you do, remember that any political attack consists of two key elements: impact and credibility.
The attack consisted of a charge, led by shamans, with forty Simba warriors.
Its special attack consists of an impenetrable shield that can allow the jet to Kamikaze into other vehicles.
The attack consisted of throwing a paper cup at the officer from a passing car while shouting the word "n****r".
This attack would consist of the infected systems simultaneously sending 100 connections to port 80 of www.whitehouse.gov (