The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have disrupted flights over urban areas, and traffic reporting is no exception.
The aborted attacks did not disrupt daily life here.
State officials estimate that the attack disrupted more than 10,000 businesses and displaced 377,000 workers, forcing many relocations.
Natural disasters, war, and terrorist attacks could disrupt the supply of oil to the world market at any of these points.
"They never detected it on approach, and the attack disrupted all their sensor and tracking systems."
The attacks have so far not disrupted Iraq's ability to export oil.
The attack on the helicopter disrupted the ongoing peace talks.
So an attack on one area of infrastructure can disrupt another.
Any such attack on the judicial function would disrupt state government by crippling the process of legislative interpretation at the time it is needed most.
"But such an attack, or even a credible threat, would severely disrupt America's economic and social infrastructure for weeks, if not months or years."