In the 44th minute of the match, Djoliba supporters rioted, attacking officials, other fans, and journalists.
Armed Mubarak supporters attacked foreign journalists, physically, and by smashing their equipment.
I thought these Wikileaks supporting "hackivists" weren't suppose to attack journalists?
They also attack human rights advocates, journalists and judges who attempt to bring them to account.
In the capital, gangs professing loyalty to the Aristide government attacked journalists and protesting university students.
Government security forces dragged her out of the hotel to an unknown destination, and attacked journalists who tried to help her.
The biggest shock came when one official attempted to attack journalists for the 'negative coverage' the couple's joint tour had received.
He also accused them of a crime against the international community on the basis of having attacked journalists.
Most nations now attacking journalists are quasi-democracies and so must put up with at least some independent media.
The authorities attack journalists and writers for expressing their opinions and regularly shut down newspapers.