An Israeli military spokesman said a ground force had attacked Palestinian militants in the central Gaza Strip who had been attempting to fire rockets into Israel from a built-up area.
Unimpeded by the government, it attacked labor organizations and militants.
Last December the then commander of US troops in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, said his troops would not enter Pakistan to attack militants.
Battle of Jenin (April 1-11) - Israel attacked Palestinian militants in the city of Jenin.
Operation Autumn Clouds (31 October-7 November) - Israel attacked Palestinian militants in Beit Hanoun.
On August 23-24, 1968 clashes erupted between government troops attacked militants of the party, resulting in a temporary setback for the party.
Battle of Nablus (April 3-8) - Israel attacked Palestinian militants in the city of Nablus.
Pakistani forces attack suspected Islamic militants using mortars and helicopters near the Afghanistan border.
When asked this morning by reporters when he visited Parliament whether India would attack militants in Pakistan-held Kashmir, Mr. Vajpayee pleaded, "Give some time to the government."
On 22 May, pro-government forces attacked Islamist militants in Mogadishu.