It appeared that Kolyvan was to be attacked on the north side.
In the afternoon they attacked on the left side of the village and set fire to several houses, and we drew back into the village.
He smiled while he gave orders to go through the gateway as though they would be attacked on the other side.
You are going to attack the planes on the other side of the mountain?
A woman was being attacked on the far side.
And he must attack them just as they attacked the Tanu on the other side of this sea.
That assassins attacked a government armory on the other side of the capitol and were stopped before they could do any damage.
Very well, if I want to attack again on the starboard side, shift over larboard side guns to take their place.
"Best guess is, to attack our salient on the other side of the Rapidan."
On the eleventh day, a woman was attacked half a mile on the far side of the village.