The violence has spread to five northern cities, where mobs chanting religious slogans have attacked property belonging to Christians.
The mob traversed far and wide across south Lancashire, attacking the homes and property of the earl's supporters.
Hundreds of people attacked police and property, looting and smashing, even setting off fire bombs.
The government also agreed to release all detainees and the militants pledged not to attack government forces or property or set up a parallel administration.
Now further investigations will need to take place to bring those who attacked people and property to justice.
He condemned his own Government for closing news outlets and sending "paramilitary groups made up of extreme leftists" to attack people and property.
Fleeing students attacked property and caused thousands of dollars of damage to businesses and cars.
People who wantonly attack Gardaí and property have no respect for their fellow citizens.
Rather they seemed intent upon attacking as much property as possible without actually killing anyone.
Earlier this month they attacked property belonging to Coptic Christians, burning their churches, shops and homes.