Arab rioters attacked Jewish residents and buildings.
During this era, the Border Reivers were raiders that attacked local residents.
Disturbances broke out during the march when loyalist bandsmen broke ranks to attack nationalist residents who were watching the parade.
In New Orleans, rioting broke out as white rioters began attacking black residents at random.
Two serial killers have at different times attacked residents of Gaffney.
The deaths in Soweto occurred on Sunday when Inkatha supporters attending a funeral attacked local residents.
The police say that rarely have drug dealers actually attacked residents, and that complaints of assaults, robberies and homicides around the park are relatively few.
Alternatively, the player can also refuse requests, and even able to attack residents of the town, although doing so will antagonize them.
Rumours spread that the youths had attacked local residents and had cursed the name of Muhammad.
As the others begin to attack other residents, Thomas suddenly fires his gun.