Her attacker, in hot pursuit, would have been carrying the murder weapon, the golf club.
The attackers carried a gun, which they kept pointed at the two men as they took the woman and the girl a short distance away, the police said.
"The attacker carries Wil Trace to this center support."
Yesterday, the police said the attacker carried an apparently phony identification bearing the name Abubunde Mulocko.
In other words: "the attacker carries the message."
One attacker was carrying a companion slung over his shoulder, his movements slowed by his additional burden.
The attackers carried the wrapped forms of eleven men, obviously dead, onto the narrow skimmer.
Orik replied, "I had several of our smiths examine the daggers your attackers carried.
The attackers carried rusty swords and spears whose shafts were barnacle-scaled.
The attacker wore a mask and carried a handgun, both hallmarks of the serial rapist, the police said.