The attacker claimed the victim was part of a reactionary gang plotting to remove the city mayor from office.
Yet in the darkness the attackers claimed to be South Koreans and the Americans subsequently held their fire until the light became sufficient to confirm their identity.
The attackers claim to have attended a burial in Kiangumara village and upon encountering local hostility were provoked into defending themselves.
Sarah is drunk and stoned when she is attacked; barely dressed, she has danced in the bar so lasciviously that her attackers can claim "she asked for it."
However, attackers claimed for killing 56 Russian soldiers by the bombing.
Reports stated that her attackers claimed the attack was a "practical joke" for another media outlet.
The attackers claim to be standing up for moral clarity, and some of them may even believe it.
The attacker claimed that Carter had threatened him with the knife and when he tried to take it from him, Carter had been wounded.
The attackers claimed to be Belgians originally from Morocco.
An attacker who is caught with the virus or worm can claim to be a victim.