His only solace was in knowing his attacker would never obtain what he had come for.
This means that an attacker with unprivileged access to the system can obtain the hashed form of every user's password.
Related-key attack: Like a chosen-plaintext attack, except the attacker can obtain ciphertexts encrypted under two different keys.
Correspondingly low yield was also Kathans points in two seasons: the attacker could obtain only 4 total results.
In this case the attacker could imitate the legitimate side, ask for the password and obtain it (man-in-the-middle attack).
Nor was it known whether the attacker or attackers could make or obtain larger quantities.
Many servers perform additional verification of the client, in case the attacker has obtained the session ID.
If that attacker later obtains the paper ballot records she could compare the two and compromise the privacy of the ballot.
Of course, attackers can also obtain the code, which makes it easier for them to find vulnerabilities as well.
Chosen-plaintext attack: the attacker can obtain the ciphertexts corresponding to an arbitrary set of plaintexts of his own choosing.