Who he could use to attain his own ends.
The use of war was another tool, beside the rule of law, for the powerful to attain their ends.
We can, then, become a "kinder, gentler nation" pursuing more "pragmatic" policies to attain our ends.
Or we might go practically unaccompanied, relying on our native wit and good fortune to attain our ends.
The gods were ever crafty, and they had unguessed ways of attaining their ends.
But he will do anything to attain his ends.
We stoop to murder only in extreme emergencies, either to attain our ends or to silence one who would betray us.
Their cause seemed hopeless indeed; but if faith can move mountains, much more can honest endeavour attain its ends.
Mr. Schnabel commands an unusually wide range of technical means to attain his musical ends.
Terrorism is an attempt to attain one's ends through blind violence and to destroy our common values.