Peterson was declared the winner, with Townend attaining second place.
The boys' team attained 2nd place overall in 2004 and 3rd place overall in 2005.
Later, he was eliminated on 31 August attaining 8th place with public votes.
He once attained third place in a state triathlon.
Yadav was eliminated on 28 September and attained 4th place in the competition with public votes.
Ultimately, it was one of the highest rated shows to ever get canceled, consistently attaining 4th or 5th place in the Nielsen ratings.
The song garnered great success in France (it attained 4th place on the top 50 in November 2001).
Or the ability to attain fourth place among general-interest portals without ever spending a penny on marketing.
Cooper played in all but six league fixtures as Rangers attained third place.
Players kick and punch opponents while trying to obtain cash, attaining first place.