El Temps has become a reference to the Catalan Countries, where it has attained great prestige, so that in 2001, it has achieved a circulation of 25,000 copies.
A biologist of some repute, he attained great prestige within the Polish community for his scientific accomplishments.
Here, an individual could attain prestige and power through success in business and, as in the case of Jaja, a slave could work his way up to head of state.
Over the years The Courier-Journal became a daring liberal voice in a conservative city and attained national prestige when it aligned itself with the New Deal.
Part of this reflects the ethos of the profession: collaborative pianists attain prestige by becoming identified with one or more famous musicians.
At this time, the university also attained great prestige in the fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy.
Of these it is the Championship (a knock-out tournament) that tends to attain the most prestige.
The Navajo Tribal Council began to assume more power and authority as well as attain greater economic self-sufficiency and prestige.
This was built in 1722 by the Barons of Hunolstein, who helped the region attain both prestige and wealth by mining quicksilver.
Chetham's school was refounded in 1969 as Chetham's School of Music, which rapidly attained international prestige as Britain's leading music academy for pre-university students.