In each case, estimated attainable level of future performance is indicated.
For instance, I am projecting myself through this screen, which you cannot do because the carrier wave is far below your lowest attainable level.
Representing the highest attainable level of dance, the troupe continues to be the most famous group of its kind in China.
There are four attainable levels in each skill, awarded at 20, 50, 90 and 140 experience points; some mods add new levels.
Several factors commonly limit the attainable level of authenticity.
Her strength, endurance, vision, and stamina were all heightened beyond levels attainable by humans.
At high levels not attainable through diet - 40 times or more the nutritionally needed amount - vitamin E functions as a potent antioxidant.
Dath promotes a system of democratic production, maintaining division of labor, on the highest attainable technological level.
We try to take everything to a very attainable level.
This is because such people constantly set the standard for success high above a reasonable, attainable level.