Every available craft will certainly attempt exit before atmosphere collapse.
Iverson attempted three more shots before halftime, including a 24-footer, but missed them all.
We must hide in the city and then attempt a rescue before the festival.
Once a scent had been acquired, the predator would attempt a slow silent approach, before the lightning strike.
Hall had missed 3 of 11 field goal attempts this season before today, and one of those was blocked by Minnesota last week.
That no useful purpose would be served by attempting salvage operations before the conclusion of hostilities.
I do not know that I ever attempted before an explanation of any speech.
The Jets got the ball back in the next drive, but attempted only one pass before punting.
But she found she was as nervous as a child attempting her first examination before the council of elders.
This army attempted a brief, unsuccessful seizure of political power before the British military returned.