The record labels' own attempts flopped embarrassingly.
The only attempt at a mass-produced velomobile, which was in the mid-1980s, flopped.
And when that attempt flopped his next move was to remove the only proof that he ever gave it to me.
In 1987, his attempt to make The London Daily News an all-day paper flopped.
In the past week, India's latest attempt to outflank the rebels politically flopped, just as similar efforts have in the past.
The initial attempt to bleed Hanson Bartley of fifty thousand dollars had flopped.
Most attempts to gain a foothold here for sophisticated Spanish cuisine have flopped.
The continental coasts had proved too tough a nut, and the attempt had flopped.
Yet recent attempts to create Russian dramatic series and soap operas have flopped.
But more recent attempts to extend the franchise have flopped.