These attempts were increased in early 2006, accompanied by a further removal of some 200 of the bras.
His field-goal attempts have actually increased, from 17.8 last season to 19.0, which actually helped Marbury's campaign.
The failed governmental attempt increased Yuan's reputation among local peasants.
Will he promise to resist all attempts to increase the maximum permitted weights of heavy lorries?
But it warned the government that its attempt to accelerate the scheme could increase the risks "particularly around financial sustainability".
The risk, some lawyers said, is that this attempt to clear Jones's name might have increased the level of suspicion about her.
However, as an attempt to increase units, more floors were added.
"But I was not satisfied, and the attempts which he made to draw me away increased my suspicions. "
In 1988, the attempts increased to 27.2 a game with 10 made.
The dwarf's impossible attempts to see all sides at once increased after he had actually gotten the food.