An attempted sale of the company's Boston FM station was aborted.
He had served a year in jail for a 1991 conviction for attempted sale of a controlled substance.
(In an attempted sale at another dealer, four beeping calculators blazed at once.)
The mural's removal and subsequent attempted sale at auction in February 2013 sparked international controversy, highlighting the piece's worth to local and regional residents.
However, the NHL protested that the attempted sale was a violation of league policy and a court agreed.
In 2000, he was found guilty of the attempted sale of heroin and sentenced to six months in jail.
He then faced state charges involving the attempted sale of the same portable computer to the National Guard.
The attempted sale, in Paris, of a single forgery, was hardly the novelty Marly imagined it to have been, she said.
Mr. Smith pleaded guilty to the attempted sale of a controlled substance in 1992, and was sentenced to 30 days confinement and 5 years probation.
The timing of the attempted sale may have been its downfall, analysts said.