After four years of acting with the theatre group, she found herself an agent and began to attend auditions for roles in television and film.
It was during this period that he attended auditions through which he received several assignments.
Several thousand applicants attended auditions across the UK in hope of being selected.
More than 5000 people attended auditions with the same goal - to be the First Voice of Serbia!
She eventually found an agent and attended numerous auditions.
Sir Andrew is first among equals, attending auditions and overseeing the orchestra's overall musical direction.
In addition to attending dance classes and auditions, she was taking voice lessons and exercising at the gym.
But as he was constantly taking off work at the last moment to attend auditions he quit working full-time and dedicated himself to acting.
She said she would attend auditions for less competitive schools.
Founded in Los Angeles, the singers met each other after attending various auditions around the city.