She briefly attended law school before leaving to pursue her literary career.
She attended community college in Nashville for a year before leaving to focus on music, initially punk rock.
The second eldest of eight children, she attended bush schools before leaving school at 12 to help out at home in the farm.
He attended a rural school in the area for only a short time before leaving to work in the oil fields of Ohio.
He later attended a school in Kent, before leaving with no qualifications at fifteen.
Pearce attended there for two years before leaving, at age 16, to go into the advertising industry.
He attended nursing school for a period of time before leaving to pursue his artistic interests.
He attended the University of Missouri before leaving in 1958 to begin his professional baseball career.
He attended several different schools before leaving education without qualifications in 1939.
He then attended Harvard Law School for three days before leaving to see the world.